Monday, August 26, 2019

New Balance Developing an Integrated CSR Strategy Essay

New Balance Developing an Integrated CSR Strategy - Essay Example The assessment was done based on the Corporate Citizenship Management Framework (CCMF). Four dimensions of CCMF Figure 1: Four Dimensions of CCMF (Source: Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship. â€Å"Corporate Citizenship Management Framework†) Overall Governance Strength Weakness History, Values and Integrity Vision and mission: CSR was the central theme of the company’s mission and vision. Impressive CSR initiatives. Transparency, accountability, domestic manufacturing and employee support. Lack of guidance to the managers Lack of linkage between the CSR goals and core business strategy. Improper communication with the society. The initiatives were not aligned and connected properly and lack evaluation by the management. Product and services Strength Weakness Product New Balance eliminated use of polyvinyl chloride from the footwear. Implementation of Green shoe store. Apparel division faced higher business growth pressures, environmental and social challeng es. Lack of system for assessing the life-cycle impact of products. Lack of education in the design team related to the environmentally preferred product. Unsuccessful in developing partnership. Operations Strengths Weakness Integration of CSR with operation. Initiatives in term of clear business value, increased productivity and reduced cost. Achievement of compliance with European Union REACH regulation. Partnering with British Leather Group. Reduction in volatile organic compound. Waste reduction, implementation of coaching program, green cleaners in US, enhancement in energy efficiency. Apparel, accessories and promotional items poses rick. Gap between CSR management in domestic operations and overseas supplier facilities. Lack of standards on short term contracts for hiring temporary workers. Community Support Strength Weakness Company’s intense belief in philanthropy. Volunteering by the employees Strong community support strategy. Awareness about programs and initiativ es. Strong system to measure returns on investment. Strategies involved with community are not aligned with the business strategy. Poor focus of community support strategy. Area of focus The areas of focus for the organization are as follows: The operational area especially the apparel and accessories section need to be more inclined to CSR. The education of the product developed team is necessary in order to design more environment friendly products. The overall governance should stress more on communication. Development of CSR strategy New Balance is strongly committed towards the corporate responsibility, which is recognized to be the main pillar of the value and mission on which the organization stands. This is also supported by the CEO, owner and other leaders of the organization. Moreover the company has a good deal of knowledge and experience. The company took several initiatives towards the CSR activities. The owners of the company were humble and were hesitant to talk about the social responsibility. This was the major reason that general public had very little information regarding the work of the company in this area. Moreover the executives of the company also need to evaluate the strategy from time to time. For this the company should implement proper communication of their CSR initiatives amongst the external and

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