Monday, August 5, 2019

Tesco: Recruitment and selection

Tesco: Recruitment and selection As a member of the HR department I need to research and make a report in order to check the quality of new staff being hired. The aim of this report is to explore what are the best means of testing and hiring new employees. It will also look into some benefits and drawbacks of recruitment process in two successful companies which are Tesco and McDonalds. Consequently, I will outline some suggestion which I think is the best for our company. 2.0 Procedures The information is collected from internet and using secondary research to gather data for my report. 3.0 Findings 3.1 Recruitment and selection methods of Tesco Tesco is the largest private sector employer and operating over 13 countries outside the UK. There is increasing all the time in the number of both store-based and non-store. In addition, in order to achieve business objectives, Tesco needs to make sure that they have the right number of workers in the right positions at the right time. In order to do this, Tesco has a step by step process of recruitment and selection to appeal applicants for both operational and managerial roles. As the company is growing, it is important for Tesco to have workforce planning which is future needs for people in term of locations, numbers and skills. The reason why may people want to work in Tesco is that it has store all over country (UK) so people can work in a location where they live. Furthermore, some jobs such as cashier do not need too high education requirement. As regards of recruitment, Tesco advertises vacancies in different methods. The process of recruiting depends on the job available. Firstly, Tesco looks at internal Talent Plan to fill posts. The lists of current employees who looking for a move or on promotion will be consider. If nobody is suitable in this talent plan, Tesco use internal advertising to post in intranet. However, external recruitment, the vacancies are posted in the Tesco websites or external vacancies board. When making applicant online for managerial position, the chosen applicants must have an interview. Consequently, people who are selected will attendance at an assessment centre for selecting process. Having the CV or register at Jobcentre Plus, candidates who interested in stored based jobs can apply stores in Tesco. The store prepares a waiting list of application which is not selected and calls them if vacancies become available. Furthermore, for the jobs with more specialists such as pharmacist, baker the e xternal recruitment method will be used for example radio, magazine, television. As far as the selection are concerned, it involve in selecting a suitable candidates from applicants by using the job specification and job description. The important part of the selection process is screening candidates. This is ensure that people are selected have matched with the job requirements. Initially, each applicants CV which summarises the candidates education and job experience will be looked cautiously by the Human Resources in Tesco. The firm also provides a job type match on careers web page. Hence they can see where they fit or not. A person who passes screening attend assessment centre will be invited to second interview. If they are successful, they will receive an offer letter and contract. The assessment centre is take place in store and is run by managers. It will give to candidate several tasks which include problem solving, team working. For example, how they react when customer make a complaint; team work together to make sure that the stock is ready and every shelf is provided; changing the shift work and nights. These exercises can help candidate to deal with real problems at work. 3.2 Advantage of these method in Tesco With respect to recruitment process, Tesco will try to find the most cost-effective way of attracting people. Although it is not cheap to advertise on television and magazines, this is essential to get the right type of people for the vacancies. It is easy for applicants to seek about available jobs and also has a simple application process throughout the Tesco website. First of all, by using internal recruitment in Tesco lead to cut the cost of recruiting workers from outside. This is due to less training and orientation required In addition, the HR department know more about the candidates ability. This will increase productivity of current employee and stronger commitment to the company. There are a number of benefits by using external recruitment method. Because of new people, they will bring in Tesco new perspectives and ideas. Furthermore, Tesco have more choice to choose candidates; they have a wider range of experience. 3.3 Disadvantage of these method in Tesco As regards to internal recruitment, the number of applicants can be limited. Owing to already known about strength and weakness of candidate, Tesco could not have new ideas from outside. In addition, another vacancy will be creating which need to be filled. On the other hand, in external recruitment, it has more expensive because of advertising and longer process. The selection process might not be effective enough to find the best applicant. 3.4 Recruitment and selection methods of McDonalds McDonalds is a one of the largest scale employer. Most workers are paid by the hour and those people called as crew members. Their jobs are to prepare the food and serve customers in order to make the restaurants run more efficiency. McDonald attracting many people because they can work as part time job so it appeal a lot of students who are studying at college or university. With respect to recruiting hourly-paid workers McDonalds have created a two-step application process for potential crew members. Firstly, all candidates must do the psychometric test and then they need to go online and fill the application. Once successful, the candidate will be invited to a restaurant for an on job experience (oje) and interview. The purposes of OJE give a good opportunity to evaluate the candidates customer service skills, how they get on with other member in McDonald and allows candidate to see whether or not suits with working environment. After that, the candidate will work in customer facing areas about 2 day assessment and will be given full instruction on what to do. Consequently, they have a final interview with manager who will give the decision about the applicant. When crew member have been hired, they have to attend a welcome meeting to demonstrate their skills and behaviours. This meeting will show an overview of the company and then candidate must do h ealth safety and food safety test online. 3.5 Benefits and drawbacks of these methods in McDonalds As we can see, the way McDonalds recruitment people it appeal more people to apply because they offer employee with many rewards and bonus. This also increases competition between employees to get prizes. They also provide good working condition which help workers more flexible at work. One of the interesting in recruitment stage is an on job experience. That mean candidate will show all of their skill to deal with customers. The other thing here is that people are easily to find out and apply quickly which save a lot of time. On the other hand, there are some drawbacks of these methods. Firstly, owing to more reward, this lead to increasing cost for company. Secondly, it appeals many students who do not have any previous experience. As a result of this, they will take time to learn and therefore reduce productivity of restaurants. 4.0 Conclusion From my point of view, both companies have good recruitment and selection policy depends on what they are doing. McDonald believes that employees are a vital role in the company to achieve the success of the restaurants. Their aim is to recruit the best people and keep them by offering on-going training related to their position, therefore promoting them when they are ready. The recruitment policies to fulfil its aim. However, Tesco believes that workforce planning is vital for business. They have strong organisational structures. Furthermore, Tesco provides the friendly ways of applying for vacancies and a reliable approach to recruitment and selection. 5.0 Recommendation Having finished research and analyses the recruitment process in both company, I would like to recommend some suggestion for our company which are application online, advertise on TV, using job specification and job description. First of all, application online help people easily to apply and attracting more people is due to developing of technology nowadays. Secondly, advertising is good way to grab attention of people. The reason is that most people like watching TV in leisure times. Although advertising is expensive in the short run, we will have better results in the long run. If we have the right employee, they will contribute to our company for a long time. Finally, when we have many applicants, using job specification and description are the good ways to choose the right person. These documents help us get the overview of candidates; what the qualification they have and their experience. Words: 1507

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